Keywords are special identifiers reserved for use as part of the programming language itself. Most of these cannot be used for any other purpose.
Here is a list of main keywords in GOOC:
sub var default trans once nofirst code event state return expr array inline mips __transargs __mips __trans __args goto unless if else do while until break continue save
The following keywords are used as part of expressions:
avg abs seek degseek degdist time rand randi loopseek getcolor pad buttonpress buttonhold buttonbuffer dirpress dirhold dirbuffer spd sin cod fieldval fieldrow getins getval distance atan atan2 atan2_3d getfield atan2_obj objectget entitygetstate gamefunc getvalideventobj pointclip __unk2 tryload getanim offsetof ntry4 ntry5
Certain keywords may actually be considered valid identifiers under certain circumstances: